Video replay technology is used by all other popular sports such as tennis and basketball officials to make sure that the right call has been made. So why can’t this be introduced into football or the world cup?
Here are a couple of good reasons I can think of
- So called FIFA BOD (board of directors) or whatever they are, are a bunch of old fat sleepless dummies who don’t know what technology even means.
- Afraid that technology will take over man kind one day and they probably still live in stone age caves.
- They chase mice in front of computer screens and wonder when can people introduce cats.
- Youtube scares the hell out of them!
- They look ugly and are afraid of looking so in video replays!
- No fair play means more money in their pocket through bribing referees and linesman
- It makes them happy and feel important when football fans and the whole world scream and shout of obvious refereeing mistakes
- Their wives insists that referees and linesmen are cute and there should be more of them in the field.
Idiots like Blatter once said in March:
"No matter which technology is applied, at the end of the day a decision will have to be taken by a human being. This being the case, why remove the responsibility from the referee to give it to someone else? It is often the case that, even after a slow-motion replay, ten different experts will have ten different opinions on what the decision should have been. Fans love to debate any given incident in a game. It is part of the human nature of our sport."
How about a goal? If it crosses the line, it’s a goal. If it doesn’t, it’s not a goal. It doesn’t even take an expert to understand that, let alone 10 of them.
FIFA has the money. It’s just an excuse for not doing it.
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