Credit card providers such as Mastercard and Visa will be starting tu use Personal Identification Numbers (PIN) as an alternative to signature to authorise credit card purchases. American Express (AMEX) Australia sent out a notification to card holders announcing that they will not be introducing PINs for purchases for the meantime. You can continue to sign to authorise purchases on your Card as you have always done.
Why has American Express decided not to introduce PINs for purchases
American Express has actively supported the industry-wide initiative, Pen or PIN, and will be monitoring the early stages of implementation before making a final decision to issue PINs to American Express Cardmembers.
You might already have a American Express PIN
American Express already issues PINs to some Cardmembers who have requested access to cash through our worldwide ATM network. Existing PINs for cash access are not affected. This is different from what is being discussed here as this PIN relates to PINs for the authorisation of purchases only.
* FYI, PINs will be issued by some credit card providers for use from 4 June 2008.
More info from American Express FAQ
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