After almost 7 years of partnership with CJ and Valueclick, Ebay has decided that they will build, use and mantain their own in house affiliate network. Is this bad news for CJ or what? I know there are affiliates who sign up with CJ only so that they can get to Ebay’s offer. [Read more…]
Choosing Web Services: REST or SOAP
Making the right decision might have a long term impact on how effective your application can use and interact with the data that is retrieved back and sometimes justify how much you can earn back from your hard work put into the application development process. [Read more…]
AOL Bought Affiliate Network
OK, I admit. I must have been out in the wild for too long, and haven’t notice that the affiliate network is now already part of AOL after being acquired back in Febuary 2008. How did AOL did that? I mean, news of AOL acquiring social networking site Bebo for $850 million only came out back in March 2008, and they had just acquired a month earlier?
I suppose AOL must have some seriously good cashflow and trying to expand into different markets including social and affiliate networks.
US Tax Forms For International Affiliates
If you are an international affiliate, filling tax froms is quite a hassle especially when you are not sure which one you should be filling in. But most of the affiliate networks such as CJ and Linkshare requires you to fill in one.
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