This idea of extrating heat (geothermal) from the hot rocks several kilometers under the Earth could be a good alternative source of energy in the future. Shown below is a 50 MegaWatt EGS project in Australia.
How To Install Chinese Keyboard Input In Windows
So you want to type chinese characters in Windows? Here’s how you can do it without installing other third party applications such as NJStar, ChineseStar or Chinese Communicator.
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3 Ways To Save Your Files In A Corrupted Windows System
If you happen to have a corrupted Windows system and the Recovery Console doesn’t help you at all, there’s at least one last thing that you can do before you format your hard disk – copy all your essential files. These are assuming that you don’t keep a regular backups for your hard drive, which happens to most of us.
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How To Surf Anonymously With A USB Portable Device
Shortly after writing my post how to surf the net anonymously using Tor, I discovered OperaTor which is a free portable software bundle containing:
1. Opera
2. Tor
3. Polipo (web proxy)
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How To Browse The Internet Anonymously
First, let’s see why we would want to surf anonymously. Well, the obvious advantages might be:
1. Protect yourself from web attacks.
2. Not to leave footsteps to sites which you have visited
3. And if you’re a bad person, to protect yourself from being identified easily when you launch a web attacks.
Basically, you would want to surf anonymously so that you don’t leave footsteps, to forge your identity or pretend to be someone else originating from a specific country.
How can you do that?
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Digsby All in One Social Networking, Email and Instant Messaging Software
I have to be the first to admint that i don’t have much patience with installing different IM applications just so that I can chat with my friends from ICQ, YIM, MSN or GTalk. And heck, there’s social networks like Myspace, Facebook and LinkedIn ALL crying for my attention. Emails is another problem as well as I personally keep more then 4 public emails accounts and one email for each of the web domains I have. There’s really no way of keeping up to that if I were to login one by one.
That’s why Digsby is so useful for me. It consolidates all these services and keeps you on one software application. It fetches updates from ALL of those services when there’s something new and pop them up on screen for you.
So start saving time and work smarter. Digsby is free and gets updated often.
11 Not So Useful Windows Vista Features To Disable
Getting rid of these 11 services and features can potentailly help your windows vista perform a little bit better.
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How To Capture Screenshot and Record Video
Here’s a freeware application that allows you to capture anykind of screenshot and record your own video as well. Created by the team from Techsmith, who brought us both Camtasia Studio and SnagIt, their latest toy is simply known as – Jing.
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Free Talk, Chat and Social Interaction Application on Mobile With Fring
If you have the constant need and urge to stay connected with your friends, be it in the form of chatting, talking or just seeing what your friends are up to, and you want to do all these on mobile, then Fring is for you.
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Replace Windows Notepad with Notepad++
Windows notepad is fine for opening a single plain text file and for writing a few sentence. It’s definately not the kind of tool that you would want to use for serious purposes.
I’ve been using Notepad++ for quite a while now (more than a year) and it’s been my personal favorite text and source code editor. Note that I didn’t say that it’s an IDE as I’m sure there are better tools such as Visual Studio, Zend Studio, PHPEd, Komodo, Eclipse, Netbeans etc that fit into the bill of an IDE.
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