For people who are using wordpress translation plugins on their blog in hope for getting more visitors from different geographic areas and are wondering if the translated content are duplicates and thus affects your pagerank, this is for you.
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Upgrading WordPress Database Problem Solved
I’ve got this strange wordpress upgrade problem where in wp-admin, it knows that there’s a new version and prompts me to update but it won’t upgrade itself even after I’ve unzipped and replace all the files with the newer version’s and browse to wp-admin/upgrade.php. So here’s the solution if you’ve met something similar.
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Social Bookmarking Plugins: Why I Chose AddThis Over ShareThis
I’ve always been a ShareThis user but after thinking about it and comparing it to AddThis, I’ve finally made the change by dumping ShareThis and jump onto AddThis. Here are just the few considerations why I made this change.
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How To Hide Category From WordPress Home and RSS Feeds
I love to write about tech tips and web development but also appreciate the fact that I love to keep a weblog of my daily activity and life here online. But that would contradict with my reader’s best interests to learn a new trick or two from this blog. So the best solution was to exclude certain categories from showing up in the wordpress homepage (index.php) and rss feeds. After a few investigations, here are a few ways which you use to get that done.
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WordPress SEO with Headspace 2 or All In One SEO Pack?
I’m currently really tempted to switch onto another WordPress SEO plugin known as Headspace 2. Judging by the feature list, videos and comments from its plugin page, it seems like most people aren’t having a problem with it.
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Migrate Discuz to WordPress Plugin
I forgot to mention yet another popular forum software known as Discuz back in this forum software compared post but just in case you’re curious, its like VBulletin with lots of those standard features that you can find in VBulletin, with the difference in that it’s only available in Chinese by default, heavily used in the Chinese world, and best of all it’s free!
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New Dashboard and Eye Candy for WordPress 2.7
All the main navigations menu, at least those that matters most to a blogger, will all be placed onto the left side in WordPress 2.7. I did have to adapt a bit when WordPress decided to change their navigation styles during the 2.5 -> 2.6 transition, and they are going to do it again in 2.7.
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Posting New Contents Daily Keeps Search Engines Happy
If you have a new wordpress blog (or any kind of website in fact), posting new content daily is a must. What makes wordpress unique is the fact that whenever you publish a new post, a ping is sent to the search engines and some blog aggregators service such as feedburner and technorati. A ping lets them know there are new contents and essentially invites them to come and pay your blog a visit, which is what you want.
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How To Display More Posts in WordPress Manage Section
WordPress display only 15 posts in the “Manage” section by default. As a wordpress blogger or adminstrator, this can sometimes be quite limiting. Unfortuntely, there isn’t any known variables or parameters that you can pass through the URL to tell this section to return you with the number of posts that you would like to see. However, there’s a solution.
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Not Upgrading To Wordpres 2.6.1
OK, so we know that WordPress 2.6.1 was released on 15th August 2008. But should I upgrade? Maybe not. The reason is that I’m lazy of doing it and it’s also stated explicitly that:
If you’re happy with 2.6, however, keep on using it. You need not upgrade to 2.6.1 if 2.6 is getting the job done.
So why even bother? I’m waiting for WordPress 2.7 instead which promises a couple of new features.