Upgrading wordpress can be a dauntng task for some. Actually it can be painless if you know how. I’ve recently upgraded wordpress using a way which I never thought was possbile.
I started this blog using wordpress 2.3, and after 2 or 3 weeks, wordpress 2.3.1 was released. I was finding excuses for myself not to upgrade it until today.
What Have I Done
1. Backup the database (refer to my top 10 wordpress plugins). You don’t even need to do this since there’s really no database changes from 2.3 to 2.3.1. But well, just in case.
2. Browse to this page to see what had changed in version 2.3.1.
3. As the database version was still the same (db_version in wp_option remained at 6124), it’s logical that nothing had changed in the database and you need to update only the files which have since updated from 2.3.
3. Downloaded wordpress 2.3.1 and collected the files in 2.3.1 which are in the list of updated files. Fire up my ftp client, upload those files and overwrite all existing files.
4. Refresh wordpress dashboard and I’m now running 2.3.1. Woila!
I’ve attached a zip file which are the files that need to be uploaded. If you’re currenly using wordpress 2.3, you can donwload it and use it for update to 2.3.1.
It’s Only for wordpress 2.3 since previous versions had a different database version.
Download file: wordpress 2.3 to 2.3.1
I’ve heard that there’s an even faster way of upgrading wordpress, and you don’t even need to press a button once you have the setup ready. How? Using subversion to retrieve the latest updates. If you know any good reference on this topic, please leave a comment.
Updated:Read Easiest way to upgrade wordpress
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