I’ve just installed a new plugin for Eclipse Juno, and have to restart it to finish the installation process. It failed and a messagebox poped up showing:
Please check userdirectory/worksapce/.metadata/.log
Checked the file and found nothing much from it. Long story short, i found the solution and here’s how i fixed it.
1. Open the file bundle.info in your eclipse installation path (ex. C:\Program Files (x86)\eclipse Juno SR2\configuration\org.eclipse.equinox.simpleconfigurator\bundles.info)
2. There was a duplicate entry for org.eclipse.core.commands. Delete the line for the older version.
3. Restart eclipse with the -clean option, ex. open up command prompt > change directory to eclipse installation path (ex. C:\Program Files (x86)\eclipse Juno SR2) > eclipse -clean
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