If you are using a email address other than one provided by gmail (Google’s flavor of email system similar to Yahoo! Mail and Live/Hotmail) to login into Google Adsense, the system will now ask you to switch to a google account.
When you login into Adsense, you will be greeted wih a few pages of simple questions:
Please take a moment to update your AdSense login.
We will soon be asking all our publishers to update their logins to a Google Account . This change will provide you with enhanced security and will make it more convenient for you to use other Google products with just one account.
These changes will not affect your account information.
I’ve made the transition and yes, Google kept their promise.
To begin the process, answer the first question below. After you complete the process, only your login changes. All your other account information will remain the same.
Are you the only person who signs in to AdSense with the email [email protected]?
Since I’m the only person managing my adsense campaigns, I selected yes.
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Change your AdSense account to a Google Account
You can use an existing Google Account if you already sign in to Gmail, Google Groups, or another Google product, or you can create a new Google Account using an existing email address.Note: you do not need a Gmail account to have a Google Account.
Which best describes you?
– I have another AdSense account.– I have an email address and password (Google Account) I already use with Google services like Gmail, Orkut, or the personalized home page.
– I do not use these other services. I would like to create a new Google Account.
Unfortunately, you can’t use a Google Account that you already use to log into another AdSense account. For security reasons, you also can’t use an email address that was previously used to apply for AdSense.
Would you like to use your existing Google Account for AdSense?
You can use your existing Google account email address and password for AdSense as well. Or you can choose new ones just for AdSense.
– I’d like to use my existing Google account for AdSense.
– I’d like to choose a new login name and password just for AdSense.
I’m using Adwords for my PPC campaigns and thus had an existing account with Google. Unfortunatly, this account associated with Adwords can’t be used to login into Adsense. I had thus needed to register another Google account fo logging into Adsense.
Why switch?
For me, there were 2 reasons:
1. The stats for one of my favorite firefox plugin, Adsense Notifier, was not showing the correct numbers. It was only after I tried to login manually into adsense, making all the changes as stated above, and update adsense notifier login properties then only it started working normally again.
2. Google said that you can still use your old non-google-account to login into Adsense, but then it will ask you those “would you want to switch” questions each time you login. I can’t even seem to get to the reports page.
So I got a new google account. Who cares if I have another one. I needed one anyway and it doesn’t hurt my bottomline.
Danny Foo says
This isn’t only to capitalize the market but create a path for its user to utilize their other apps with ease later. Especially their version of online office.