Most of us have windows update enabled by default to run at a specific time (daily, weekly or monthy). Windows also have a windows update start menu shortcut that we can click on so that we can tell windows to look for updates whenever you wanted to.
But what if you want to run windows update manually?
This can be useful in 2 situtations which I can think of.
1. Some people turn off windows update to save computing resources and to have more control of what updates to download (by selecting updates manually throguh windows update website)
2. Mistakenly deleted the windows update start menu shortcut.
Here’s a simple trick that lets you run windows update manually.
1. Goto Start > Run…
2. Copy and paste %SystemRoot%\system32\wupdmgr.exe and press OK.
3. Internet Explorer will be opened and you’ll be connected to Windows Update. Follow the on-screen instructions to get the latest updates for your windows operating system.
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