I’ve just started using TinySpell as a spelling checker and am quite satisfied with the results I’m seeing so far. No matter which application you are working in, as long as there are text and you think spelling is important, just turn on TinySpell and it will start checking that your spellings are all correct in real time while you type. I personally work in opera, notepad++, pspad, dreamweaver etc where text content and spellings can be quite important.
I always do my browsing and blogging with my favorite browser Opera, which doesn’t have a built-in spelling checker and getting ASpell setup for it was a failure after several attempts. This kinda left some of my blog posts with typos which I’m unaware of.
Update: Opera 10 now comes with built-in spell checking functionality and it’s working great!
Not anymore since I’ve installed TinySpell. Now I can blog with confidence!
Best of all, TinySpell is free!
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