Since I’m pretty new to the Ubuntu world, I though it would be a good idea to make a few quick notes about my experience installing third party software in Ubuntu.
Install Opera Web Browser in Ubuntu
Goto donwload the debian package (Ubuntu is based on Debian).
By default, the file will be downloaded into the “Downloads” folder.
Right click on the *.deb file. Use gDebi to install the software
Install Google Chrome Web Browser in Ubuntu
Go to and scroll down to the linux section, click on the appropriate .deb link (32-bit or 64-bit), save the file, and run it with ‘dpkg -i’
This will install chrome, and will also add the repository to /etc/apt/sources.list.d/ and import the key for later updates
Install Filezilla FTP Client in Ubuntu
I’ve written this in another article previously titled Ubuntu: How To Install Filezilla FTP Client
Install Extra Wallpapers for Ubuntu
We all love wallpapers and this should still work even though it was written back in the days of karmic koala – How To Get Extra Wallpapers For Ubuntu Karmic Koala
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