The internet has open up a possibility for people to make money online. Since we know that we can actually earn money online, the question isn’t about how much you can earn, but how do you earn. The shortest answer would be to create value, and the next answer is to actually connect people.
After reading this article from Seth Godin, it shows just how important the internet is as a medium to connect people together. Imagine about the daily activities you conduct online such as reading and sending emails, logging into social networks, write a blog post or comment on other people’s blog, researching on what to cook and buy for christmas, buying games from amazon or ebay, conduct online meetings, chatting or calling home throgh skype etc. If we can generalize all these activities together, you can see that’s it’s all about connecting people together and let them carry out a certain activity together.
Connect the disconnected to each other and you create value.
– Connect advertisers to people who want to be advertised to.
– Connect job hunters with jobs.
– Connect information seekers with information.
– Connect teams to each other.
– Connect those seeking similar.
– Connect to partners and those that can leverage your work.
– Connect people who are proximate geographically.
– Connect organizations spending money with ways to save money.
– Connect like-minded people into a movement.
– Connect people buying with people who are selling.
The basic rule of demand and supply still applies on the internet. So if you are trying to make some money online and doing affiliate marketing but still not earning your target revenue, maybe you should stop, stare and rethink exactly HOW do you earn money online.
BTW, The Dip by Seth Godin is another book which I enjoyed reading.
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