KML, a popular filetype format made popular by Google Earth, has been officially accepted as a new standard by the Open Geospatial Consortium (OGC).
Google announced the news in their official blog as KML: The HTML of geographic content
Today, a new standard was born: The Open Geospatial Consortium has announced its acceptance of KML 2.2 as an official OGC Standard. KML started as a file format for Google Earth, a way to save out the list of restaurants or parks or hiking trails that you might have drawn as a custom map. It’s since matured into something much larger, and is supported on a wide variety of mapping platforms produced by a range of companies. You can even view KML on your cell phone! There are tens of millions of KML files available online — a testament to just how much user-generated content is now map-based information.
Mapping has come a long way from the origami paper creations of the past. Our choice to give KML to the OGC is part of our strong commitment to open standards. It’s our belief that KML’s standardization will do much to make more geographic-based content accessible online.
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