To be able to manipulate files (copy and paste or delete) files in a NTFS drive while running Linux, you will need to have the ntfs-3g driver. In fact all famous linux distro such as Fedora, SUSE and Redhat also uses this driver in order to be able to do file manipulations in NTFS partitions.
NTFS (New Technology File System) is a file system developed by Microsoft and used by Windows computers (Windows 2000 and later). Until 2007, linux was not able to write to this type of filesystem, it could only read from it. The stable ntfs-3g driver now allows linux systems to read and write NTFS formatted partitions.
Most linux distros already have the ntfs-3g driver preinstalled. If you’re using Ubuntu, make sure you have the newest version of Ubuntu or at least 8.04. You will need to run some command if you’re on an earlier version. More info here
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