Netbeans has been my php ide of choice for the last couple of months and here are just some of my personal netbeans shortcut favorites that I would like to share. You are welcomed to list what your favorite shortcuts are.
CTRL + SHIFT + C or CTRL + /
Comment/uncommnet select line/block of code
Code Folding
-collapse current fold: CTRL + MINUS
-expand current fold : CTRL + PLUS
-collapse all folds: CTRL + SHIFT + MINUS
-expand all folds: CTRL + SHIFT + PLUS
Show function’s parameter info.
Got a variable and not sure what type and where it was declared? No problem, go to the variable and press CTRL+B.
* Here’s another handier and faster tip to get to the declartion of a variable, simply press CTRL and then click on the variable.
Auto format
Find usages of a variable/function
Alt+ Shift + O
Allows you to search and open any file in your open projects
Ctrl + Click Combo
On a variable: Brings you to its declaration.
On a class name: Brings you to the class source file. (If available)
On a method call: Brings you to the method source.
Ctrl + Space
Brings up auto-complete menu.
Bugs says
Yes its great basic shortcuts. In advance i like
CTRL+SHIFT+1 – select class in project window