The key to understanding human anatomy and physiology is to follow a structured study guide that contains specific content and direction to the learner. The rate at which we absorb and learn anatomy is often constrained by each individual’s ability to learn and the amount of time we are willing or able to devote to the subject.
Although the subjects in medicine create an innate curiosity in all of us as to how our bodies work, we are all susceptible to ailments. It is important for us to know and understand the different systems in the body which work in parallel to create the unique human physiology. Specialists who study anatomy as part of their core syllabus such as medical and dental students, physiotherapists, sports scientists and dietitians will find it essential to have a guide to the field.
The other obstacle for students of the human body is the complexity of the whole body, although the content to be learned is large, a study guide should make complex systems and organs easily understandable by breaking the material down in to smaller, easy to understand chunks.
Our absorption of the material is partly influenced by our senses especially our ability to visualize the different concepts and locations and any course should provide learning aids such as diagrammatic views of the course to enhance and supplement the written material. Software should provide the relevant illustrations, anatomy atlases and 3D pictures forming a foundation of a course. These annotations of different body parts and locations form a good grounding in our understanding.
With all these taken into considerations, we’ve found that this human anatomy & physiology course fits all the criteria mentioned above and is a well laid out course which shows you how to master human anatomy & physiology in 3 days or less.
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