I’ve been testing the new and improved adwords user interface and have to say that it’s pretty sleek and easier to manage and navigate compared to the older version. The “show query report” from the keywords level is probably one of the best time saving improvements made to Adwords’ user interface. And you can now even use keyboard shortcuts too!
Global navigation
g then o: Go to All Online Campaigns
g then c: Go to Campaigns tab
g then r: Go to Ad groups tab
g then k: Go to Keywords tab
g then n: Go to Networks tab
g then a: Go to Ads tab
g then s: Go to Settings tab
Table navigation and actions
j/k: Next/previous row in the primary data table
x: Select current row (Use Shift + x for multiple rows)
e: Edit
p: Pause
n: Enable
d: Delete
l: Download
Editing ad groups and keywords:
e: Edit selected rows
Ctrl + Arrows: Move between editable fields
Ctrl + s: Save changes
Esc: Cancel edit mode
You can learn more about the new adwords user interface here. And if you’re in a hurry, at least have a look at the changes overview (pdf) and educational videos as I think that they are something not to be missed and let you see what’s new from a bird’s eye view.
[keyboards shortcuts via Inside Adwords]
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