A simple page seperated into sections laying out the differences(or similarities) between vb.net and C#. This is by far the best comparison that I can find online. If you have any other such references, please share it with me. Thanks.
Personal Tech . How To . Tips . Web. Development
A simple page seperated into sections laying out the differences(or similarities) between vb.net and C#. This is by far the best comparison that I can find online. If you have any other such references, please share it with me. Thanks.
mypapit says
thanks for bringing up this to my attention, i’m new to both languages as i’m exploring how to develop application using .NET CF. Currently I chose to settle with C#, but VB.net also seems to be promising albeit the weird feeling when I’m coding it
David says
I would say that people will be more well off starting from C#.
The job market + coding community seems to give a bit more respect to C# developers than VB.NET. If you can master both language, that’s even better. And don’t forget, there’s Java.